One of the toughest jobs out there is in the medical field. Your patients trust you with their life. And at times, you need to put your life on the line to treat your patient, which most doctors did during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the reason why medical officials have high regard in common public’s eyes. However, this is not it; treating a patient means you need to commit to his needs and be there whenever there is a need.
Due to this reason, many doctors end up working for more hours compared to their designated time. The daily routines of a specialist Anaesthetist is certainly not an easy one. Still, questions such as how many hours a week an anaesthetist needs to log in can arise in your mind. If you are wondering the same, then here is a little sneak peek into it.
What Is An Anaesthetist?
An anaesthetist is a doctor who is specialised in administering anesthesia to patients. An anaeshetist has to do extensive research and study anaesthesia to become one. There are many kinds of specialisations in anesthesia, including:
- Neuro-anesthesia
- Critical Care
- Regional Anesthesia or Acute Pain Management
- Hospice And Palliative Care
- Post Operation Pain Management
- Obstetric Anesthesia
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- Pediatric Anesthesia
Anesthesia is a drug given to patients to relieve their pain. Usually, it is given to numb the area of a particular body part so that the doctor can operate on it and the patient doesn’t feel anything during the surgical procedure. The amount of anesthesia and how to administer it is determined by the anaesthetist. Also, the anaesthetist is required to be present in the OR during the operation to look after the patient and keep them unconscious for the procedure.
Different specialities require unique skill sets and information. If an anesthetist specialises in pediatric anesthesia, the study would include administering anesthesia to infants and children. In contrast, obstetric anesthesia is used for pregnancy. Likewise, cardiac anesthesia is related to the cardiothoracic. Critical care includes giving anesthesia to patients with severe infections and trauma.
What Is The Job Of An Anaesthetist?
Surgeons can’t operate on a conscious patient. In order for them to operate, the patients should be unconscious. This is when an anaesthetist comes into the picture. He is responsible for putting the patient in an unconscious state by administering anesthesia. Some critical patients who have severe infections or trauma also need anesthesia. The amount which should be given to such patients and how it should be given is determined by the anaesthetist. Some of the main roles of an anaesthetist are:
- Checking the patient’s medical history and then, according to that, coming up with a pain management program for operation or critical care treatment.
- Being present in the OR to monitor the patient and prevent the patient from waking up during the operation.
- Providing consultancy on cases where anesthesia is administered.
- Determining the dose and duration for how long the anesthesia should be given for critical care or pain management.
- Administering anesthesia during pre-op and post-op care.
How Many Hours A Week Does An Anaesthetist Work?
In a hospital, everything is on schedule, but emergency cases determine the time you are going to spend on the job. This is the reason why hospitals have a technical system for their doctors to log the hours of their shifts. 12 hours a day is mandatory for the doctors to log in, and it works for five days a week. According to this, a total of 60 hours of work is required for doctors to work in a whole week.
Sometimes, doctors might work overtime because of emergency cases, and in that case, they are paid hourly wages for the extra time. An anaesthetist is expected to work for around 40 to 60 hours weekly. If you are not comfortable with this life, you can always choose to teach students in the universities in flexible hours.
Hefty Compensation For The Hours Spend On The Job
All the hard work and extra time you spend on the job being an anaesthetist is worth it in the end if you get the pay accordingly. The standard wages for an anesthetist start from $80 an hour. If you are really good at your job, then these wages can go up from $150 to $160. These wages make a decent earning, which can give you a luxurious lifestyle. Thus, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that an anaesthetist gets a hefty compensation for the hours he spends on the job.
How To Become An Anaesthetist?
If you want to become an anaesthetist, then the first thing you need to have is determination. Without it, you won’t even last for a year. The study of anesthesia is extensive and certainly not an easy one. After you have completed your schooling, you need to spend a total of 9 to 10 years in order to become a consultant anaesthetist. You need to have two degrees in bachelor of medical studies and a doctor of medicine. Studying alone is for 5 years. Once you have completed it, you will need to have at least 4 to 5 years of practice in the medical field as a doctor. After the never-ending efforts of pursuing and specialising in anesthesia for around 9 years you can then become a consultant anaesthetist.
Bottom Line
So, this is everything you should know about being an anaesthetist, including the number of hours an anesthetist need to work weekly. Balancing your work and personal life while being an anesthetist requires a lot of work. However, with time you can learn to balance the grind and prioritise what’s more important to you. Giving up your 9 years in pursuing the study is dedication in itself. If you can do that, then you can also manage to spend 40 to 60 hours in the hospital to work. If you are not up for it, you can always teach aspiring anesthetists at the university.